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来源:整理 时间:2022-07-09 15:01:19 编辑:教育管理 手机版


1 Start learning English when, feel that English is more difficult than before, almost no confidence 2 Later came to realize the importance of English 3 Every effort to learn English, learning is very important 4 Advice to the teachers and students better learning method 5 Their help enabled me to make great progress, now become more and more interested in English



一个词一个词的翻译,知道大体意思后,用书面语言表达出来。对于这种比较复杂的中文句子,在正式翻译成英文句子之前,应当按照它的含义,将它划分成不同的部分,以便我们确定英文句子的结构。平时做题也可以借助翻译软件,如:百度翻译、有道翻译官等。但是如果想提升英语翻译能力的话,最好自己翻译。句子翻译:Everyone, as a member of society, is entitled to the social, economic and cultural rightsnecessary to the unrestrained development of his/her personality and dignity, which arerealized through national effort and international cooperation and concordant with theorganization, resources and situation of each country.Everyone,每一个人as a member of society,作为社会的一个成员social, economic and cultural right, 社会、经济、文化权利entitl,使……有权利national effort and international cooperation,国家努力和国际合作concordant with ,与……相一致翻译出来就是:每一个人,作为社会的一个成员,有权享受其人格和尊严的自由发展所必需的社会、经济、文化权利,这些权利是通过国家努力和国际合作来实现的,并且与所在国家的组织、资源、现状相一致。



很多人在英译汉的时候喜欢逐字逐句地翻译,觉得如果不把英文中的每一个词都翻译出来就是不够准确,导致最后翻译出来的句子非常古怪,根本没有中国人会如此讲话。首先,要端正一个态度:不是把每个词都翻译出来才是好翻译,符合翻译语言的使用习惯才是好翻译,语义没有歧义即可!所以,我认为,在翻译过程中,要找到一个平衡,要是翻译出来的句子既包含关键信息,又符合汉语的逻辑。因此,我在翻译文献的时候遵循两大步骤:一. 找出必须要翻译的关键词拿到一句话,通读一遍,把其中出现的专业术语标出来。这些词语可能以动词和名词为主。既然是翻译带有专业背景的英文文献,那么这些词是万万不可随意改动的,必须按照词典中的意思进行翻译。因此,在这一步,把这些词找出来,并把它们的意思标注在旁边。二. 把剩下部分打乱,重新进行排列组合在把“必须直译”的词找出来之后,那么这个句子剩下的部分的功能,只是在使这句话在英语语法上正确,所以你现在要做的事情,是把它重新整合在正确的汉语语法框架内。显而易见,直译可能就不再适用了,因为汉语和英语的语法完全不同。你可以大胆地根据中文行文的习惯,重复某些词语,或者把句子拆成多个短句。我可以举几个例子:There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met.译文1:我有许多有关我所访问过的地方和遇到的人的奇妙的故事要讲。译文2:我访问了一些地方,遇到了不少人,要谈起来,奇妙的事可多着呢。I have never had much patience with the writers who claim from the reader an effort to understand their meaning.译文1:我对读者要费力气才能看懂他们的意思的作家一向是没有多少耐心的。译文2:有些作家,读者要费力气才能看懂他们的意思,我对这样的作家一向是没有多少耐心的。看到这些例子你有什么感触?英语和汉语的造句逻辑是不一样的。总之,记住这些原则,然后多加练习,你翻译出的东西就会让人看得越来越舒服。



1 Work hard, sooner or later you will succeed.2 Either you go or I stay, in other words, we can not together.3 those glitter are not all gold.
1 to work hard, sooner or later you will succeed. 2 either you go or I stay, in other words, we can not together. 3 flash are not necessarily the gold.


H is from far far away to, there are half way point is a horse come. She was wearing a gray clothes, sewing, do not know how many soon. Has been a brush to the faded jeans, has also been wearing. Her skin was dark, when he laughs, his face has two dimples. She is 8 people inside, most keen to help others.L was an avid comic fan. Every day she wore weird clothes, wearing imitation of animation characters. She has a great variety of wigs, and sometimes careless led astray, and will Xiahun the hostels. She is the focus of discussion throughout the school students, there is no one who does not know her name.
H came from a place far far away from here. She rode a horse through half of the trip. she wore a broken gray louse with a lot of patches, the color of her jeans was already faded away. Her skin is kind of dark. there are two dimples on her cheeks when she smiles, she is the most willing person to offer help among these 8. L is a diehard manga fan. she wears odd clothes everyday, mimic those from manga. she has a variety of wigs. she scared all the people in her room when she wears a weird one sometime. she is always the center of gossip among the whole school. there is no single person who doesnt know her name.


Our company exports the products to many countries in Europe, including many famous customers, such as, OCAP from Italy, SIMEN from Belgium. So the quality & the specification are the significant elements of the production from our company. Consequently, we believe our products will meet the standard of the market requirement from your company. And we believe we can get the chances to cooperate with each other. 哈哈,我比较满意我的翻译。
Our exports of many European countries, including many well-known clients, such as OCAP, Italy and Belgium SIMEM, so quality and product parameters are Our production focus. Division I are confident that our products can meet market requirements your company standards, we believe that your co-operation I have the opportunity to both sides.
Our exports of many European countries, including many well-known clients, such as OCAP, Italy and Belgium SIMEM, so quality and product parameters are Our production focus. Division I are confident that our products can meet market requirements your company standards, we believe that your co-operation I have the opportunity to both sides.
Our products are exported to many countries in Europe, including many well-known customers, such as ItalySIMEM , Belgium OCAP, so quality and products for our production parameters. Therefore we have confidence in our products can reach your market requirements, we believe that the two parties have mutual cooperation opportunities.


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:萌萌教育1,前面坐着一位老妪(ahead)Ahead sat an old woman.2,他们一言不发地走了(away)Away they went without a word3,在这座大楼下藏着秘密(beneath)Beneath the building hid a secret.4,春天,山上开满了美丽的野花(grow)In the spring, on the mountain grow beautiful wild flowers here and there .In the spring, all over the mountain grow beautiful wild flowers5,广场对面屹立着一栋高层建筑(across)Across the square stand a high building.6,别说话了,班主任来了(here)Stop talking,. Here comes our class teacher.7,两名警察冲了进来,将他带走(in)In rushed two policemen and took him away.8,一名手捧着鲜花的英俊青年走了进来(in)In came a handsome young man with flowers in his hands.9,门前躺着一条狗(in front of)In front of the door lies/lay a dog.10,庙宇的前面有一棵树(in front of)In front of the temple stands a tree.11,银行大门前耸立着两头石狮子,一左一右(in front of)In front of the bank gate stand two stone lions, one on the left and the other on the right.12,房子前面停着一辆救护车,铃声一直在响(in front of)In front of the house stopped an ambulance, ringing all the time.13,我们解
I notice that I waste a lot of time.
Today I failed in the English exam again, I realize that I have wasted a lot of time. Our English teacher miss li told me to go to his office. Tell me that only to work hard to get good grades. Miss li also said only more questions to be completely understanding of knowledge and to make progress. Until then I just know the most effective way to learn English well, I press the teacher say, later with high scores. Seriously, only you devote yourself, your ability to learn to get what you want.百分百的正确。帮帮忙下采纳ok?谢了,3Q


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